Our Associates, Friends and Sponsors

The Rose Society UK is pleased to provide these links to our sponsors, friends and other rose-related resources.

Squires Garden Centres

Over 80 years of horticultural experience.

A family-owned garden centre group with 16 centres and Café Bars across West London, Surrey, Berkshire, Herts and Sussex.

The Rose Society UK holds the Summer Rose Festival at the Shepperton centre where it has become an important part of the company’s events programme.

Squires Grden Centres are The Rose Society UK's Premier Sponsors, with valued support at society events throughout the year.


Felco Precision Garden Tools

Quality garden tools from Switzerland

Felco sponsor the Star Classes at all the society shows with vouchers for their quality garden tools.

Swiss Precision. Made to Last.


Uncle Tom's Rose Tonic

Want to grow great roses?

The rose trade and experienced growers all agree that there is no better product to help your roses grow than Uncle Tom’s Rose Tonic.

Available in our shop.


Sulphur Rose by Greenacres

Sulphur is the natural enemy of blackspot and powdery mildew diseases. In times when sulphur dioxide was present in the atmosphere, as a result of coal burning fires and industrial pollution, prior to the 1968 Clean air act blackspot was unknown. Now we can fight back with Greenacres Sulphur Rose.

Available NOW in the Society Shop Click here



The Nutrient Company


TNC MycorrPlus is one of the TNC Mycorr range of mycorrhizal fungi products. It contains 15 different species of mycorrhizal fungi, including endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae as well as 5 species of trichoderma. It also contains 13 Bacillus species – Bacteria for Nitrogen fixing, Phosphorous solublising and growth promotion.

Applied directly to the roots of bareroot OR potted roses, it will ensure that your plants get off to the best possible start.


Available in our shop - CLICK HERE


Fryers Roses

Fryer's has over 200 varieties of roses with a passion to provide the best varieties of roses for garden display

Fryer's is part of the Blue Diamond Group, which owns and supplies quality roses to 39 garden centres throughout the UK and Channel Islands

Fryers Roses offer 10% discount on bare root roses to all Rose Society UK members.


David Austin Roses

World renowned rose breeders and growers. Best known for their English roses, a mix of old fashioned charm and modern roses.

David Austin Roses sponsor the Dean Hole Challenge classes at our summer and autumn rose shows in commemoration of Samuel Reynolds Hole, ‘The Rose King’


C & K Jones

“Where People who Love Roses buy Roses to Love”

Roses have been making people smile for years. As time passes, more rose varieties are being produced with better colours, perfumes, foliage, better uniformity, more reliable flower production and improved resistance to pests and diseases.

Keith and Rachael have a reputation for quality roses. Quality roses of every kind such as hybrid tea, floribunda roses, climbers, ramblers, ground cover and standard roses. There are pink roses, wonderful red roses, bright yellow roses, perfect white roses proud purple roses and even striped varieties

C and K Jones offer 10% discount on bare root roses to all Rose Society UK members.


RV Roger

A family business established in 1913. Yorkshire grown roses, fruit, shrubs and trees. Plant centre open 7 days a week.

As well as fruit trees, shrubs and bulbs, RV Roger are the UK’s leading supplier of the ‘specialist’ exhibition roses.

We are grateful for their continued support and their sponsorship of some the Harrogate classes.

Ian, Anna and their staff also hold the Ryedale Rose Festival each July at their plant centre in Pickering.

R V Roger offer 10% discount on bare root roses to all Rose Society UK members.


Pococks Roses and the Cornish Rose Company

Established in 1984, every year we produce from our fields in excess of 60,000 rose plants in a range of over 450 varieties, so there should be something from our wide range to interest you.

Pococks and The Cornish Rose Company offer 10% discount on bare root roses to all members of The Rose Society UK.


Roses UK

A marketing project funded exclusively by BARB (British Association of Rose Breeders) and aimed at maintaining and increasing the profile of the nation’s favourite flower, the rose, through promotional activities.

Roses UK manage the Gold Standard Rose Trials which are a yardstick for the public when purchasing new roses.

The Rose Society UK firmly support the Gold Standard rose initiative and believe that growing healthy roses is the best way to encourage the public to grow roses in their gardens.

RosesUK support the Rose Society UK and sponsored classes in our first Autumn show at Harrogate in 2017.